
06/13/2024 - 11:32

Spain, April 2024
Publication of my story about Moroccan women picking strawberries in Spain for our supermarkets in Europe in Nederlands Dagblad. The abuse of the women is shocking.
Text and images © Jet Budelman


06/13/2024 - 11:25

Netherlands, April 2024
Assignment for Dutch newspaper De Nieuwe Oogst about the meaning of the season spring for farmers.
Text and images © Jet Budelman

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06/13/2024 - 11:16

Netherlands, March 2024
Assignment for the Dutch magazine Kidsweek about children who grow up on a farm in the Netherlands.
© Jet Budelman



02/05/2024 - 10:12

Belgium, Brussels, 1st Feb 2024
Farmers protest against red tape, European standards that are too strict, measurements and prices that are too low. The climate crisis is putting pressure on the farmers and they fear their future is in danger.
© Jet Budelman


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